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翻译大神将荷塘月色译成英文版 美到没朋友


那些年背过的荷塘月色翻译成英文 美到没朋友那些年背过的荷塘月色翻译成英文 美到没朋友

  英文联播讯 翻译 朱纯深 沿着荷塘,是一条曲折的小煤屑路。这是一条幽僻的路;白天也少人走,夜晚更加寂寞。荷塘四面,长着许多树,蓊蓊郁郁的。

  Alongside the Lotus Pond runs a small cinder footpath. It is peaceful and secluded here, a place not frequented by pedestrians even in the daytime; now at night, it looks more solitary, in a lush, shady ambience of trees all around the pond。

  处理“蓊蓊郁郁”这一叠词,译者使用lush, shady来表现,其中前后相连的卷舌音"sh"从音韵上模仿了原文。


  On he side where the path is, there are willows, interlaced with some others whose names I do not know. The foliage, which, in a moonless night, would loom somewhat frighteningly dark, looks very nice tonight, although the moonlight is not more than a thin, greyish veil。

  有没有注意到,描写景物时汉文倾向于用形容词,而英文偏抽象的名词,“月光也还是淡淡的”被处理成“a thin greyish veil”,强化了一种难以言喻的朦胧感。


  I am on my own, strolling, hands behind my back. This bit of the universe seems in my possession now; and I myself seem to have been uplifted from my ordinary self into another world。

  这一片天地好像是我的:This bit of universe seems in my possession now是不是有浮士德的影子?


  I like a serene and peaceful life, as much as in company. As it is tonight, basking in a misty mooshine all by myself, I feel I am a free man, free to think of anything, or of nothing. All tht one is obliged to do, or to say, in the daytime, can be very well cast aside now。

  “bask in”(沐浴在)是译者根据理解增添的意象。


  That is the beauty of being alone. For the moment, just let me indulge in this profusion of moonlight and lotus fragrance。

  "The profusion of"又是形容词抽象化为名词的例证,这的确是汉译英中一种常用的手法。


  All over this winding stretch of water, what meets the eye is a silken field of leaves, reaching rather high above the surface, like the skirts of dancing girls in all their grace。


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